Human machine teaming technology for autonomous aerial drones: grant awarded by the Defence Science Centre (DSC) Western Australia

The Defence Science Centre (DSC) Western Australia awarded one of six Collaborative Research Grants to UXMachines for developing autonomous aerial drone technology. This new technology will enable to safe lives and keep the force safe in high performance situations as defence and emergency situations as bushfires.

The grant will support UXMachines Pty Ltd in developing its life saving autonomous technology and create a new aerial drone product that teams humans with autonomous machines. We also aim to develop a WA based network of drone operators, builders, tinkerers, and link industry partners to develop this exciting technology.

Our vision is to give a manpower dividend by releasing operators from repetitive jobs in flying their drones and reduce their cognitive load. Today, operators are required to examine hours of drone video footage causing fatigue and unessential work overheads.

Our disruptive solution enables the interaction between humans and machines on the level of goals, intentions, and missions and ease unessential cognitive load, rather than simply putting waypoints on a map. We want to make today’s drones ‘intelligent’ and increase the efficiency dividend that operators can focus on the mission, rather than flying drones as a pilot.

“The Collaborative Research Grant continues to assist in de-risking new research and maturing innovative concepts being developed by Western Australians. These grants are made possible through funding administered via the Defence Science Centre, an initiative co-funded by the State of Western Australia and the Commonwealth Government.” – Hon. Paul Papalia, Minister for Defence Industry, WA.

We would like to thank The Defence Science Centre (DSC) Western Australia, WA’s Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science, and Innovation (JTSI), and The Cook Government for investing in us as SME and WA’s defense research.

The project is a collaboration between UXMachines Pty Ltd, The University of Western Australia (UWA), and Murdoch University.

Read the full press release online or download it in PDF

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