Data visualization is the approach in which raw data or information is transformed into image formats such as, graphs and pie charts. It makes the communication of such data easier and much more understandable. In this era, there is a rapid growth of data and numbers and it keeps rising every day. Breaking this data into visuals makes the showcase and representation of the data effective and simple. In other words, raw data and number are transformed into an attractive yet powerful art form.

Since UXMachines Pty Ltd. got founded in 2019, data visualization of large complex datasets is in the core of our service range. We provide solutions to make data in your databases understandable, and interactive. We create solutions for visual data discovery by utilizing latest technologies. We solve your challenges in data visualisation via simple dashboard solutions, augmented data discovery solutions, up to data visualizations in 3D or virtual reality.

Data visualisation to understand your data

Most importantly interactive data visualisation has helped pave a way for the future of data science. Understanding the science of data in this age of information overload is of immense importance. Our visual brain works by capture images that portray variations and contrasts rather than a mass volume of numerical data. It captures colourful animated objects that stand out faster. In a sea of numbers and analytics if there is one object, the human eyes will capture that first. In simple term visualising your data allows consumers to capture the vital information the business is trying to showcase. It is the informative visual designs that you analyse with your eyes.

Therefore, using visual data helps identify information and patterns quickly and clearly. This allows for both the business and the consumer to receive their data and information in an accurate and accessible way. It motivates users to learn more about the system and to remain curious. Meanwhile, it helps business simplify their operations and improves their overall performance. 

Gaining insights through data analytics

UXMachines Pty Ltd. addresses especially the data analytic challenges of small and medium sized businesses. We utilizes latest technologies in machine learning to help to gain insights into data. We also aim at full end-to-end solutions, thus covering the complete data analytics pipeline. UXMachines Pty Ltd. is fluent in several software packages typically used as part of an analytics process, including Python, R, MatLab, cloud based solution and many others.